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What is an electric tubular heater?

Electric heater is one important part for electric energy. Electric tubular heater is a tubular heating element composed with metal tube, spiral resistance coil, MGO powder, terminal pin etc. electric heater filling equipment

Spiral resistance coil uniformly distribute inside the metal tubes, and the gas filled with MGO powder with good thermal conductivity and insulation performance. 

Good heaters with advanced structure, high thermal efficiency, and heating uniform. Quality MGO powder filling machine and heater shrinking machine is important equipment to make good electric heaters. tubular heater shrinking machines

Where there is electric current passing through the high-temperature resistance wire, the heat generated diffuses through the MGO to the surface of the metal pipe, and then transfers to the heated part or air to achieve the purpose of heating.

Electric energy is one of an economical, practical, clean, and easily controlled and converted form of energy. 
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