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Dig MGO Powder Machine

  • GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube
  • GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube
  • GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube
GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube

GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine For Electric Heating Tube

  • Item No.:GT-WF202PLC
  • Max Length: 1000mm or according to order;
  • Function: dig MGO powder for both end of tubular heater


auto dig MOO powder for both end of tubular heaters, to prepare to install ceramic or other similar accessory.


*** Auto feed heater, auto dig powder, auto unload finished dig heater;

*** With touch screen, easy operation;


heaters which need to dig extra MGO powder after shrining to install ceramic, such some immersion tubular heaters.

Information need for order Manual Dig Powder Machine:

Diameter of heater;


diameter of pin;

max length of heater; (recommend within 2 meters)

Electrical supply (for example, 1 phase in 220v , 3 phase in 380V, 50hz)

GT-WF202PLC Automatic Dig Powder Machine

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